
Nuclear energy is the energy in the nucleus of an atom. There is high energy in the nucleus of an atom. This high energy holding the nucleus together is called strong force. Nuclear energy can be used to create electricity. In order to take this energy from the atom we use a process called nuclear fission, in which we split atoms to release the energy. A nuclear reactor is a series of machines which controls nuclear fission.

Uranium atoms are used as fuel in nuclear reactors. Mined uranium is converted into U-235 as its atoms split easily. In a nuclear reactor atoms forced to break away from each other and as they split they release tiny particles called fission products which cause other uranium atoms to split. The heat generated from this warms the reactor’s cooling agent (generally cold water), it produces steam which turns the turbines which drive generators to produce electricity.

Rods of a material called nuclear poison control the amount of electricity produced. Nuclear poison is a type of xenon which absorbs some of the fission products produced. If more rods (of nuclear poison) are present in the reaction, the reaction will be more controlled and slower.

Nuclear energy is not considered a renewable source of energy as it is highly dependent on mining but it can be considered as a climate change solution as it does not produce any of the greenhouse gases. The future of the process to generate nuclear energy is nuclear fusion as it can deliver more energy more safely and produces much less nuclear waste.

Nuclear Power is our gateway to prosperous future. ~ Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

There are many dangers to nuclear energy such as, the reactors are generally located near seas (as they use water as the cooling agent) which creates the problem of storms on the coastline which may destroy the reactor and a lot of radioactive waste will be released making the land inhospitable. How to store the nuclear waste is also an issue which stays dangerously radioactive of thousands of years.